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SKS Public School is one of the top schools that are ranking in the list of schools in West Bengal continuously for the past few years. We are proud to say that our school’s academic excellence is the reason behind this achievement. It’s why we are known as the best school in Durgapur. We also like to include that our school’s infrastructure plays a vital role in our success.

best school in Durgapur

Give Students A Modern Infrastructure

Our infrastructure is divided into different sections to give each student a place to harness their talent. Smart classrooms, auditoriums, libraries, laboratories, conference rooms, creative centers, cultural sections, etc. have been facilitated for helping students develop skills needed to discover their talents.  We believe that a happy child can excel in every field. It’s very important to give a child a fun learning environment so that they remain happy and can learn new things with a fun factor.

Help Students Learn Beyond Academics

We believe that every child is unique so as their talents. Therefore, a child needs to discover their talents and it’s only possible if proper guidance is given. Being the best school in West Bengal, SKS World School always strive for excellence by encouraging students to learn beyond their classroom and help them become a successful learner.

These are some initiatives taken by the top school in West Bengal that is behind our student’s impressive academic performance. Therefore, if you want your children to get access to these facilities at the most affordable school fees in Durgapur, then check out the school’s website for admission-related updates.

Top School In Durgapur 2021 Admission Updates

This is to inform you that admissions to the best school in Durgapur have already begun. Due to the COVID-19 cases, this year parents can submit the registration forms online with their child’s academic details. Let your child become a part of the SKS family for their overall development.