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Due to the COVID crisis, schools these days are conducting online classes as per the instructions of the state government. Besides all, student’s safety is of prime concern for everybody, be its parents, school, or the government. SKS Public School, being the top school in Asansol is following all the COVID-19 protocol to maintain the safety measure, like we are conducting online classes, informing parents about the admission procedures, and give students exclusive updates about what’s going in the surrounding.

But, in today’s post, the top school in West Bengal is willing to educated parents interested in their child admissions for the 2021-22 academic sessions about the ongoing fun sessions that we conduct to keep students engaged these days. So, let’s get started!

Top School in Asansol

Event Celebrations Via Online Classes

Things were different when schools were operational. Being the best school in Asansol, we were conducting several extra-curricular activities, sports events, and event celebrations. But now, since our students are taking online classes from their homes, we aren’t celebrating events in a big way like we were doing when schools were operational.

World Environment Day Celebration on 5th June  

Being the best school in West Bengal, we are celebrating events and specific days via online interactions. Like a few days back on 5th June, we celebrated World Environment Day online. Our students participated with full enthusiasm.

  • They participated in poem and drawing competitions.
  • Speeches were delivered by online conferences.

We are celebrating events time-to-time via online classes to keep our students entertained and aware of the latest trends, which makes us the top school in Durgapur. That’s not all.

What Else?

We are also conducting fun sessions to educate students about the novel coronavirus and how they can keep themselves safe from infections. So, if you want to facilitate your child with such facilities, then it’s time to think about their admission to the top school in Asansol now. For any admission-related queries, contact us on inquiry helpline number- +91-7063-136-889 or +91-9933-181-391.