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There are so many things parents looks into when deciding the right school for their child. When it comes to the facilities offered by schools, parents usually take into consideration the labs, sports and hostel infrastructure. And most of all, schools that offer these facilities with reasonable fees structure. There is no other school in the state other than SKS Public School that offers this number of labs. It’s one of many qualities that makes SKS Public School– the best school in Bardhaman.

Best School in West Bengal in 2022

List of Labs Facilities Offered at the Best School in Bardhaman

Computer Lab: 

The computer lab at the top school in BardhamanSKS Public School is fully equipped with multimedia computers which ensure that students can access all the graded courses, using Internet or have them downloaded onto the system.

Language Labs: 

The language lab at the best school in Bardhaman, S.K.S. Public School helps the students to learn different foreign languages with audio and visual aids. With the help of this facility, SKSPS has become one of the most well-known schools in Durgapur for providing value for money education.

Chemistry Lab: 

The Chemistry lab at SKS Public school is always buzzing with activity. Our staff members make sure that every student adheres to the safety measures. You can see students hard at work to understand various chemical reactions and processes in detail with the help of our experts.

Select The Best School in Bardhaman to Let your Children Study

It’s not just the teachers that make SKS Public School, the best school in Bardhaman, what it is. The facilities offered by the school play a very important role as well. While most schools tend to shy away from investing too much in their infrastructure and facilities, SKS Public School has taken just the opposite stand and this is evident from the number of labs that are available for use.