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As per the Bengali calendar, the last weekend marked the 25th of Baisakh. It falls with the 160th birth anniversary of India’s brightest intellectuals and the pride of West Bengal, Rabindranath Tagore. Every year, this day brings different flavors of festivity to the state. Being the top school in Bardhaman, we celebrate this day with great enthusiasm. Last year, our students prepared different performances to the tune of his famous poetry, songs and dance performances from Tagore’s repertoire was mesmerizing. This year due to COVID-19 restrictions, schools are closed and students are locked inside their homes. It doesn’t mean that the celebration was on mute this year.

top school in Bardhaman

Rabindra Jayanti Celebration Amid COVID-19

Being the top school in West Bengal, we celebrated Rabindra Jayanti on 9th May and student’s enthusiasm was on the next level. Since the schools are closed due to the coronavirus situation, our students prepared dance performances and shared them with us online. Prayers were made to the Almighty to help the world and take away the sorrow, and bless everyone with happiness, prosperity, and great health. These gestures of our little talents make us proud, and we are happy to say that the best school in Durgapur has successfully managed all responsibilities to prepare our students for a good human begin. We consider it as the biggest achievement of the top best school in West Bengal.

Activities performed on Rabindra Jayanti

Students at the top school in Durgapur prepare some of the historic poems of Tagore and recite them by heart. A few lines from the timeless poem, Gitanjali astonished everyone. The entire day was focused on encouraging students to never give up and continue their journey of excellence without being affected by any situation. Being the top school in Asansol, SKS Public School always encourages students to represent themselves as an amalgamation of modern and Indian values.

The entire celebration dedicated to the Bard of Bengal, Shri Rabindranath Tagore was full of fun and excitement. Being the best school in Bardhaman, we are proud of our students for making this day memorable.