Today SKS Public School, one of the Top Schools In List Of Schools In Bardhaman takes this opportunity to devote the Chair’s message to students from the heart. We hope this message through us will help you better understand our mission, vision and core values.
Good education is one of the greatest gifts which a parent can offer to their children. The whole purpose of education is not only to impart book knowledge, but also to instill in a student humane values such as intelligence, compassion, bravery, modesty, honesty and reliability. We have established S.K.S. Public School one of the top schools in Durgapur with the sole purpose of delivering the best education possible, leaving no stones unturned.

At S.K.S. Public School, everything we do is geared towards the holistic development of our students in all areas of life. Education is not for the scholars alone. Academic achievement is important-yet athletics, arts, crafts, music, and dance are important as well. S.K.S. Public School one of the best schools in Gopalmath encourages students to learn about themselves and their ever-changing world, while providing encouragement and guidance as they practice decision-making and social skills. Trusting in the All-Powerful, I expect the school to scale new heights in the upcoming years.