We at SKS Public School one of the best school in West Bengal believe that children can be taught well with no violence in the picture. Love and Care are what we believe in, to teach children valuable life lessons. While corporal punishment is a standard tool used for behavior management in children in both government and private schools alike but we at the best school in Asansol are strictly against of this method for behavior management of kids.
Any kind of punishment in which force is used to inflict pain, discomfort any type of distress to the student is called corporal punishment. We know that it’s petrifying for any parents who love their kids. We are among the best school in Bardhaman and we very well understand that the corporal punishment is actually of no help to children, because it only gives them the humiliation, when they go through with it.

SKS Public School is among those best school in Asansol where corporal punishment is never used as the go-to corrective method for students only because it is inexpensive. We believe that Children often fear teachers who practice corporal punishment in school. Children are more inclined to listen to teachers they admire and respect them more than the teachers they fear and dislike.
In most of the cases children amend their behavior only due to the fear of punishment and these amends very soon become history when the teacher is no longer in the vicinity. Thus corporal punishments never give a permanent solution. In comparison to this we at SKSPS one of the best school in Bardhaman adheres to the teaching methodology which brings a permanent behavior change in students without fear. We use love to attain swift resolution to a child’s obedience issue.
Academic growth of a student is the main motive at SKSPS one of the best school in Asansol but children that go through corporal punishment in school perform poorly in school and they also have low self-esteem. Teachers can inculcate the moral values of life in students only through proper guidance, love and care and not with punishments.
We at SKSPS one of the best school in West Bengal are strictly against any type of violence because violence only breeds violence. And this is also the bitter fact that Corporal punishment in school inflicts the idea that violence is the right path to correction. Children that faced corporal punishment in school are more often seen implementing this in their personal life as a correction method. SKS Public School one of the best kindergarten school in West bengal always imbibes great moral values and ethics in its students and always strives hard to reduce those activities which in any manner will force kids to adopt the path of violence.