Discipline is key to success and optimum growth. Remember discipline sharpens your personality. Any form of violence (mental or physical), racial comments, Public Display of Affection (PDA), stealing, breakage of school property, misbehaviour with school staff, buying-selling in school campus or within peer group, possession of forbidden articles, use of abusive language shall result in disciplinary action. Any breakage of school property has to be compensated with double its amount.
It is important to remember that the school rules apply going to and from school, at school, on school property, at school-sponsored events and on school transportation. In some cases, a student can be suspended from school transportation for infractions of school bus rules. Ultimately, it is the principal’s responsibility to keep things orderly. In all cases, the school shall attempt to make discipline prompt and equitable and to have the discipline match the severity of the incident. It aims to promote an environment in which everyone feels happy, safe and secure thus promoting good, relationships and an environment conducive to learning.
- Every pupil must attend school regularly. Absence from school for reasons other than illness or serious unforeseen circumstance will not be excused.
- A student who has been absent on the previous day will not be permitted to attend class without the permission of the Principal.
- A student suffering from any kind of communicable disease should not be sent to school.
- A student who has recovered from any contagious disease should produce a doctor’s certificate of fitness to resume the classes.
- Leave may be granted by the Principal on a written application from the parent
- Students are required to make up the work missed during the period of their absence
- Re - Examinations / Re - Tests will not be held for the students who remain absent in any of the Examinations or Tests.
- Leave for half day should not be asked for security reasons. In emergency if a student needs to go out of the school premises, Parents should come to school to collect their child.
- Students must bring the books required daily. They must bring tiffin from home. After a student enters the school, the staff at the gate will not accept books, stationery or tiffin to be handed over to any student.
- 75% attendance is compulsory for the students from classes IX-XII and 80% attendance is needed for others. Admit Card and Promotion is liable to be refused if they fail to meet this criteria. Students having 100% attendance will receive Merit Certificates.