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10 Code of Conduct Rules That We Follow | Top School in Haripur

It’s important for students to learn everything that can help them become a successful adults, and self-discipline play a crucial role to achieve the same. At the top school in Haripur, we completely understand the fact, and thus, prepare our students for the life after school. We guide our students‟ actions using the School Code of Conduct that sets out the values we all aspire towards. Read on to know more about the COD Rules that we follow.

Top School in Haripur

SKS Public School’s Code of Conduct Rules

  1. All students need to maintain disciple in the school.
  2. No student is allowed to abuse, disrespect, and insult their fellow students, teachers, caring staff, or any other personnel in the school. 
  3. SKS Public School is strictly against activities, such as ragging, bullying, or any other physical or sexual assault.
  4. Students are advised not to carry and use non-prescribed drugs in the school, including cigarettes, tobacco, etc.
  5. School will not accept any kind of dishonesty from the students. It includes academic dishonesty, cheating during the exams, and taking others’ belonging with their permissions.
  6. Students are advised not to eat junk food when in the campus. At the top school in Haripur, we encourage students to adopt a healthy life-style.  
  7. All students are expected to be punctual, while in their class, boarding the bus, or submitting their assignments.
  8. Students need to inform their class teachers, if they are arriving late/ leaving early. 
  9. Students can’t leave the school premises with any written permission by the Principal.
  10. Brining cash or any valuable item such as phone, laptop, etc are prohibited in the school premises.

Bottom Lines

SKS Public School strictly follows the COD Rules mentioned above. Our Code of Conduct helps to foster a caring, safe, supportive community for learning. It also sets out clear guidelines for how students are expected to behave at school. If you wish to know more about the other practices that the top school in Haripur follows to promote discipline, visit our website now.