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In today’s post, we’ll be discussing some of the practices that differentiate us from others and make us the  best school in West BengalSo, let’s get started!

Best School in West Bengal: Top Traits that Differentiate Us from Others

Grow with Passion 

SKS Public School was built around the belief that children should learn more than recognition and grades. We encourage them to discover their passions and grow accordingly. We call it ‘grow with Trusting your child with teachers who look more like traffic cops than mentors? Have you ever wondered why all schools seem to teach students in the same format? Is it because that’s the only way to teach? Are all children really the same? The answer is No. At the Top school in West Bengal, we understand that each child is unique. Thus, we take care of each student individually to help them grow well. 

passion’, and it’s a vital part of our curriculum.

Best School in West Bengal

Grow Academically & Emotionally

SKS Public School believes in providing a stimulating, integrated, inclusive environment, taking them beyond the 4 walls of their school. Through innovative, multidisciplinary delivery methods, we enable them to grow both academically and emotionally. It’s one of those characteristics that makes us the ideal choice for admission. 

Innovative Learning

Conventional schools with curriculum and teaching methods based on traditional, rote-based teaching methods. At SKSPS, we’re committed to nurturing individual learning needs. It helps students achieve their goals. Our innovative teaching methods have proven valuable in helping our students perform at the highest level throughout their schooling.


Being the best school in West Bengal, our school fees are among the lowest in the city. Our fee structure is built with affordability for parents as a key driver, making sure that every child receives an excellent education plus more. We can assure you that our school fees in West Bengal are the most affordable compared to others. 

Don’t just choose a school for your child. Choose one which will define your child. Choose SKS Public School- best school in West Bengal.