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Modern Skills are essential for the 21st century, and students need to collaborate, problem-solve, and analyze. We believe that a 21st-century education is a future and that you can help change education in the country—for the better. Being the top school in Bardhamanwe are creating school systems that support our children as they learn the 21st-century skills necessary for success in work and life. Let’s out more about the school initiatives taken in this context. 

Building Blocks to Learn 21st Century Skills

  • Focus on Student’s Early Development
  • Focus on Quality Education Practices
top school in Bardhaman

So, let’s get started!

Focus on Student’s Early Development

It can never be overstated how important early childhood development is. Children aged zero to five years are believed to be most impressionable. A single positive experience can have a more profound impact on the child, shaping their personality for a lifetime. The kind of education they receive at this stage lays the foundation for their lives. 

It’s why the best school in West Bengal focuses on student’s early development. It is essential for parents especially working mothers, to know the importance of early year’s education and how they can make it a fun-filled experience for their kids at home.

Focus on Quality Education Practices

Education is vital throughout a lifetime, and each phase represents different priorities. When you were a child, the focus was on social and emotional development and foreign languages and music, art and sport. When you started working, the emphasis changed to developing literacy and numeracy skills: 

  • Reading & Writing
  • Basic Arithmetic 
  • Algebraic Thinking 


In education, we are at a critical juncture. Education is undergoing rapid change due to the rise of technology. But, it’s observed that our educational systems are still following traditional teaching methods, and this practice isn’t good for today’s competitive world. Being the top school in Bardhamanwe completely understand the importance of 21st-century skills. If you wish to inquire more about how we are imparting these skills to students, explore our blog now.