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Safe Learning Environment @Low School Fees in Durgapur

Safety & Security Measures @Low School fees in Durgapur

At SKS Public School, the safety and well-being of our students are paramount. We have implemented robust safety and security measures at the most nominal school fees in Durgapur. It helps us in creating a secure learning environment where students can thrive academically and socially. In this blog, we outline our safety protocols and initiatives.

If you’re planning to enrol your kids at SKS Public School, then check out the security and safety measures taken by us. And, if you’ve any doubts related to the admission, call us immediately.

School Fees in Durgapur

Campus Security Infrastructure:

Our school campus is equipped with modern security infrastructure. It includes CCTV surveillance systems, access control mechanisms, and perimeter fencing. These measures ensure continuous monitoring and control of access to the premises, enhancing campus security. It’s the only facility that our school offers at the low school fees in Durgapur.

Trained Security Personnel:

We have a team of trained security personnel who are stationed strategically across the campus. They help us in ensuring vigilant supervision and immediate response to any security concerns or emergencies. They undergo regular training in emergency response procedures and crisis management.

Emergency Response Plan:

We have a comprehensive emergency response plan in place, covering various scenarios. It covers things like fire drills, medical emergencies, natural disasters, and security incidents. Students and staff are trained in emergency evacuation procedures and safety protocols.

Cyber Safety and Digital Citizenship:

As part of our safety measures, we educate students on cyber safety, responsible digital behaviour, and ethical use of technology. Workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns on data privacy, online bullying, and digital citizenship promote safe and responsible digital practices.

SKSPS Ensures the Best Facilities at Low School Fees in Durgapur

The safety and security measures at SKS Public School are designed to create a safe, nurturing, and conducive learning environment. We give our students the best safety measures at the most affordable school fees in Durgapur. So, choose us in 2024 for the best facilities.