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There are many events that students can take part in and celebrate in school. Being the best school in West Bengal, we organize various events and competitions. These range from art contests to science fairs, but some are more popular than others. We conduct such events to encourage students to work on their passions. It’s one of many traits that make SKSPS the top school in Bardhaman.

Today’s Topics of Discussion

  • Importance of Events Celebration
  • Events Celebrated by SKSPS in the Recent Time
Top School in Bardhaman

Let’s look at them!

Why It’s Important to Celebrate Events & Festivals?

For most people, the idea of celebration is synonymous with holidays. But what are holidays? Holidays are days where we celebrate something significant that happened in history. To celebrate is to honour a past event or occasion with festivities and merrymaking.

There are many different types of celebrations, and it might seem like there’s no end in sight for some! That’s why the best school in Bardhaman create this blog post. We will be sharing some festivals and events that our students participated in from home. Due to the COVID-19 situation, the school is conducting online classes.

Events Celebrated by SKSPS

Please take a look at some of the most recent events celebrated at our school!

  • Doctors Day Celebration
  • Independence Day Celebration
  • International Yoga Day Celebration


Every year, schools across the state come up with a variety of events to celebrate. Some are for fun, and others for fundraising. Some are to get students excited about learning more. Whatever the occasion is, we celebrate different events and encourage students to participate. Do you want your child to have the best educational experience? Consider them for admissions to the best school ranking on top in the list of schools in Bardhaman.

For more information on how the top school in Bardhaman make school’s events unforgettable, visit our site.