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As the country is again fighting with the second wave of coronavirus, almost all states have now closed the schools to keep students and their staff safe from the novel coronavirus. It’s completely unprecedented. The country has never seen such a condition where schools are instructed to close for such a long time. In such a situation, it is normal for students to feel sad and worried. To help students continue their learning and stay positive, the best school in West Bengal brings some tips. So, let’s have a look at them!

Main Personal Hygiene

Infections like colds, cough, and fever are very common these days, which leads to COVID-19 in the worst situations. Therefore, you must maintain hygiene to keep germs and viruses away. For this, the top school in Durgapur, SKS Public School suggests students wash hands with soap frequently. Always keep hand sanitizer and use it regularly. Don’t forget to cover your mouth with coughing or sneezing.  

Best School in West Bengal

Sharing Is Caring

Being the top school in Bardhaman, we always teach students the importance of sharing. While staying at home, we want our students to follow this practice. Help your siblings with their studies and play with them. They are also locked inside the home like you, and you can understand their situation. So, share some good time with your siblings, except sharing your toothbrush, soap, comb, and towel.

Enroll To An Online Course

Since the pandemic has made everyone stay at home. You can’t step out, meet your friends, and play with them. Being the top school in West Bengal, we suggest you enroll in a new online course with your friends. It can be anything, learn a new language, join a computer course, English lessons, coding classes, anything which you and your friends like the most. By this mean, you will learn new things and stay in touch with your friends.

Let us know if you need any help from us. Being the best school in West Bengal, SKS Public School is always here to help you.