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How the Top School in Durgapur Uphold Attendance for Academic Success

Top School in Durgapur’s Attendance Policy Helps in Striving Excellence

Attendance is a critical aspect of academic success. Regular attendance ensures students stay on track and use essential classroom instruction. At SKS Public School, the top school in Durgapur, we recognize the importance of regular attendance and have implemented a strict attendance policy to ensure students make the most of their academic experience.

In today’s blog, we’ll discuss the importance of proper student attendance and how SKSPS maintains this in our school. So, let’s get started!

top school in Durgapur
top school in Durgapur

We encourage parents to monitor their children’s attendance and ensure they are regularly present in school. Students who miss class frequently risk falling behind in their studies, which can be challenging to catch up on. At SKS Public School, we offer additional support for students who need extra help catching up, but regular attendance is the foundation of academic success.

Attendance for Class IX-XII

For higher secondary students, 75% attendance is compulsory. The school will only promote students who meet this attendance requirement. On the other hand, students who have 100% attendance will receive Merit Certificates, recognizing their dedication and commitment to their studies.

Attendance for Class I-VIII

Students in other classes must maintain 80% attendance. At SKS Public School, we firmly believe that regular attendance is crucial to academic success. Students who attend class regularly are more likely to understand the material and perform better on exams. They also have the opportunity to participate in classroom discussions and engage in collaborative learning activities, which can enhance their overall academic experience.

We Help Students Achieve Academic Excellence with Proper Attendance 

Regular attendance is essential for academic success, and we take attendance very seriously at SKS Public School. Our attendance policy ensures that students attend classes regularly and stay on track with their studies. As the top school in Durgapur, we are committed to providing our students with a high-quality academic experience, and regular attendance is a critical aspect of achieving that goal.