9933181391, 706316889 9933181391, 706316889

When applying for a place at SKS Public School one of the top schools in Raniganj / Mejia / Durgapur you and your child will be invited to meet with an admissions team member. We’re going to ask your child about their passions, and what they want to do. This may also include an assessment by the Principal of the school concerned or one of its Deputies.

Top School In Bardhaman

We’ll always want to hear your child’s views and ambitions, as we see ourselves as partners with you in the potential success of your child. You will be able to visit our lush green campus and think whether one of the best schools in Durgapur / Andal is really best for your child or not.

You can also meet the teachers to judge them as well as free to take an inside view of the classrooms also. Look forward to see you soon and for further details like school fees in West Bengal SKS you can visit our website.