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Best School in Durgapur Ensuring Excellence at SKSPS

Ensuring Excellence @Best School in Durgapur: SKS Public School

At SKS Public School, recognized as the best school in Durgapur, we believe that discipline and regular attendance are foundational pillars for a successful educational journey. Our commitment to fostering a safe, secure, and conducive learning environment is unwavering. We aim to cultivate students who are not only academically proficient but also possess strong moral values and social responsibility.

best school in Durgapur

Commitment to Discipline

Discipline is a cornerstone of our educational philosophy. At SKS Public School, we emphasize that discipline sharpens one’s personality and is key to achieving success and optimum growth.

  • Strictly prohibits violence, racial comments, public displays of affection, stealing, property damage, misbehavior with staff, unauthorized transactions, possession of forbidden items, or use of abusive language.
  • Any damage to school property requires compensation.
  • Ensures a sense of responsibility and respect among students.

Rules and Conduct

The rules of SKS Public School extend beyond the classroom. Whether on school property, during school-sponsored events, or using school transportation, students are expected to adhere to our standards of conduct.

  • Infractions, especially on school buses, can lead to suspension from transportation services.
  • The principal maintains order, ensuring prompt, equitable, and proportional discipline.
  • Fosters an environment where everyone feels safe, secure, and ready to learn.

Attendance Policy

Regular attendance is crucial for academic success. At the best school in Durgapur, every pupil must attend school regularly.

  • Absences are only excused for illness or serious unforeseen circumstances.
  • Returning students must obtain permission from the principal to rejoin classes.
  • Communicable diseases require a doctor’s certificate of fitness before resuming attendance.
  • Leave is granted by the principal based on written applications from parents.
  • Students are responsible for making up missed work; re-examinations or tests are not held for absentees.

In conclusion, SKS Public School’s emphasis on discipline and attendance underpins our status as the best school in Durgapur. We are dedicated to providing an environment where every student can thrive, learn, and grow into responsible and successful individuals.